Experimental licence means a licence issued by the Central Government for a type of warless telegraph transmitting and/or receiving stations in the Experimental Service. Wireless telegraphy or radio-telegraphy includes wireless telephony or radio-telephony.
The necessity for a licence. – No person shall operate an experimental wireless telegraph station except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the appropriate licence under these rules.
Categories of experimental licences. – There shall be two categories of licences in the Experimental Service, namely :
(i) Experimental Wireless Telegraphy Station Licence-Radiating.
(ii) Experimental Wireless Telegraphy Station Licence-Non-Radiating.

Purpose: RBD, experimentation, Testing in all bands in indoors
Applicable to: Indian entities Involved in R&D, incubation, experimentation, TSP’s & also cover Public access testbeds
License fee: 5000/- (one time) per License per Spectrum band. No royalty charges. One license for experimental Setup in one indoor location/campus/building. All devices in the experiments in ą given location/setup are covered in the license.
Period: Up to One year; Public Access Testbeds up to Two years. Renewable on case to case basis by the payment of License fees as above.
Spectrum: All bands including new, unallocated, unallotted, unassigned, unsold, unused bands and others as may be feasible enabling International market access opportunities for Indian entities
Mode: SeIf Declaration: On WPC portal or through intimation till portal gets developed – Indicating the bands used and details of wireless products/assemblies/machines and associated accessories.