A demonstration license is a non-network type of license issued to a person or company which intends to demonstrate any wireless equipment. A demonstration license can be issued by five regional offices located in Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, and Guwahati. A person applying for a demonstration license must already possess a valid DPL license. If not then the applicant needs to apply for a DPL license first.
There are two types:

Purpose: Product demonstratlon in exhibitions, Indoors, customer premises
Applicable to: Indian Entities
Demo license for imported products directly from foreign manufacture shall
be permitted on a returnable basis without the need for a separate DPL.
License Fee: Rs 5000/- per License
Period: 3 months
Spectrum: All bands including new, unallocated, unallotted, unassigned, unsold, unused bands, and others as may be feasible enabling international market access opportunities for Indian entities.
Case 1: Self Declaration- On WPC portal or through Intimation tell portal gets developed – Indicating the bands used and details of wireless products/assemblies/machines and associated accessories
Case 2: Application on WPC portal or through appliœtlon process till portal gets developed – for exhibitions i.e, where multiple agencies may participate and there is a contention for the spectrum
Purpose: Product demonstratlon in outdoor environment
Applicable to: Indian Entities
License Fee: Rs 5000/- per License
Period: 3 months
Spectrum: All bands as permitted under Region 3 (ITLI RR) shall be permitted for demo incłuding new, unallocated, unallotted, unassigned, unsold, unused bands and others ąs may be feasible. Bąnds available for other regions (ITU) shall also be permitted to enable access to international market for Indian entities.
Mode: Application on WPC portal or through application process till portal gets developed.